
科罗拉多理工大学 offers traditional 和 online computer science degree 和 engineering degree programs at the undergraduate 和 graduate levels. 我们在这个研究领域提供14个项目选择, 和 our online engineering 和 computer science degree programs are specially designed to provide the flexibility you may be looking for so that you can pursue your academic goals without disrupting your entire life. Whether you’re already working in or would like to pursue a career 路径 in this rapidly growing sector,1 earning a degree in computer science 和 engineering could be a big step on the 路径 toward achieving your goals.




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计算机工程理学学士学位, 在科罗拉多斯普林斯校区和虚拟校园提供, 以及电气工程理学学士学位, 科罗拉多斯普林斯校区, 获得工程评审委员会的认可 教唆.


美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 7% job growth for computer systems analysts between 2019 和 2029*


和你一样流动的教育. 了解更多.

*美国劳工统计局.S. 劳工部, 职业展望手册, Computer Systems Analysts, 网址是http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov /哦/ computer-和-information-technology /计算机系统分析员.htm(2020年10月31日浏览). This data represents national figures 和 is not based on school-specific information. 你所在地区的情况可能会有所不同.

Thank you for visiting the 工程 和 计算机科学 web pages at 科罗拉多理工大学 (CTU). 特别是, I would like to extend a warm welcome to prospective engineering 和 computer science students, 父母, 还有那些对我们的项目感兴趣的人. It is my hope that you will find CTU's engineering 和 computer science degree programs both challenging 和 rewarding. These programs are offered primarily at our 科罗拉多斯普林斯 校园 with some degrees offered in Denver 和 online.

CTU的重点是学习, 和 staff 和 faculty are devoted to helping each student achieve his/her program goals leading to opportunities in high-skill engineering 和 computer science professions. These degrees are designed with industry input from our computer science advisory board, so that the knowledge 和 skills a graduate could obtain are industry relevant.

I would like to encourage you to browse our website in more depth – meet the faculty, peruse degree program details 和 get caught up on what our students 和 faculty are doing. If you have any questions about our engineering or computer science programs at CTU, 请不要犹豫,给我发电子邮件 yqu@altemobiles.com. 我期待与您见面.



  • 阿巴斯Alkhatib |领导学院
  • 阿纳斯塔西娅比格斯 |领导学院
  • 霍华德•埃文斯 |领导学院
  • 德里克Sedlack |领导学院
  • 布伦特威尔逊 |领导学院

The goal of the 计算机科学 咨询委员会 is to keep CTU abreast of emerging trends in the educational needs of the industry. 另外, 咨询委员会就项目成果提供指导, 课程, 实验室和程序相关技术. 最重要的是, CTU's 计算机科学 Board members take the information they have gathered 和 ensure that CTU's curricula pertaining to computer science degrees stays industry-current. The board that works to ensure our degrees have quality 和 current courses includes:


  • Convenient 和 flexible attendance options for a number of our engineering 和 computer science degree programs, so that you can make lectures fit your schedule (和 not the other way around)
  • 反恐组的移动 CTU的虚拟教室可以让你访问课程, 成绩, 在线聊天, 讨论版, 我们的虚拟图书馆, 和更多的, 无论你在哪里上网
  • 课程由知识渊博的教师讲授, 许多人在他们所教的领域有实际的专业经验
  • CTU accepts the transferring-in of up to 75% of the credits needed to complete our various degree programs2
  • 反恐组的专利 易达利路径® 学习工具, which can help identify what you already know so that you can focus your studies on something new,3CTU快速通道™ exams, 是什么让你有可能从你已经知道的东西中获得课程学分4
  • CTU快速通道™考试, 是什么让你有可能从你已经知道的东西中获得课程学分, 能让你的毕业速度提高30%吗4
  • 军事教育福利, such as a reduced tuition rate 和 conversion of military experience into course credit,2 是否适用于符合条件的现役军人和退伍军人
  • 在读学生及 校友 有机会 职业搜索资源, 网络的机会, 和学生成功教练, who are available to offer guidance 和 advice regarding career 搜索 matters


CTU offers computer science degrees at the bachelor’s, master’s, 和 doctoral levels.


Those considering a computer science degree may also be considering a degree in computer engineering. 硬件工程, 计算机网络体系结构, 和 network 和 computer systems administration are just a few of the fields in which a degree in computer engineering is desirable (most entry-level computer hardware engineers possess a bachelor’s in computer engineering, although a degree in electrical engineering or computer science is generally acceptable as well).6 反恐组的认可 计算机工程学士学位 程序可在我们的 科罗拉多斯普林斯 校园. 核心课程涵盖一系列与行业相关的主题, 包括c++, UNIX, 电路分析, 数字设计, 产品设计, 以及操作系统.

电子技术校园项目 & 电气工程

In addition to our robust online computer science degree 和 engineering degree program options, CTU offers the following traditional on-校园 programs in electronics technology 和 electrical engineering at our 科罗拉多斯普林斯 校园:


Electrical engineers are involved in designing electrical systems for aircraft 和 automobiles, 并在设计和监督电机的制造, 雷达和导航系统, 通信系统, 以及发电设备.7 For those interested in modern electrical engineering practice, our accredited 电气工程学士学位 program is built to teach students the techniques, skills, 和 tools required by the field. 核心课程包括电路分析I & II, Advanced 工程 Mathematics, Programming with C++, CMOS Design, Electronic Design I & II, Electromagnetics, Solid State Physics, 和更多的, plus two elective courses.


Prospective CTU students must complete an admissions interview with an 招生 Advisor 和 submit a completed application, 但没有SAT, 没有考试, 没有GRE考试, 或任何其他标准化考试都是我们巴黎人澳门赌场在哪的先决条件.

其他入学要求因课程类型而异. 如申请本科专业,需提供高中毕业证明(如.e.,文凭,成绩单)或其同等学历(i.e.(GED)必须提供给CTU. 我们的计算机科学硕士学位, official transcripts verifying completion of an accredited baccalaureate degree program in a related discipline must be submitted. 对于那些攻读计算机科学博士学位的人, submission of official transcripts verifying completion of an accredited master’s degree in computer science program or a related discipline is required. 此外,博士学位申请者必须获得3分.平均绩点0分(4分).0 scale) in their master’s program 和 are required to submit a resume 和 brief essay. 看到 大学目录 查看所有课程的完整招生细节.


科罗拉多理工大学’s 计算机工程学士学位 和 电气工程学士学位 programs—available at our 科罗拉多斯普林斯 校园—获得工程评审委员会的认可 教唆, www.教唆.org. 科罗拉多理工大学 is institutionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org).

In 2023, CTU was ranked among the Best 在线 主's in Computer 信息技术 Programs list by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道.*



CTU典型的副学士课程长度为24个月, 学士学位需要48个月, 硕士学位18个月, 博士学位需要三年时间. However, there are a number of factors that can affect overall program length, including:

  • CTU快速通道™ 考试:4 Taking 和 passing these exams can result in completing your degree program up to 30 percent faster by making it possible to “test out” of certain classes
  • 体验式学习档案(elp): You may be able to earn course credit to help you graduate sooner by submitting a successful ELP, which demonstrates how prior learning experience (typically professional experience) meets a particular course’s objectives2
  • 军事教育的好处: Active military 和 经验丰富的s may be able to convert their military training 和 service into course credit2
  • 反恐组的 转移信用 Policy: Eligible students may qualify to transfer-in up to 75 percent of the credits needed to complete their degree program2


通过考试,你可以申请的学分就越多 CTU快速通道™ 考试,创造成功 体验式学习组合, 将你的军事训练和经验转化为课程学分, or transferring-in credits from other accredited colleges 和 universities, the fewer courses you may have to take 和 less money you may need to spend. 因为CTU是一所以军事为中心的大学, a reduced tuition rate for active 和 former military members 和ir spouses is also available.


  • 奖学金及助学金: Learn how new 和 returning students who meet eligibility criteria can take advantage of institutional grants 和 scholarships to help them save on out-of-pocket costs
  • 学费和毕业日期计算器:此工具可以向您展示CTU快速通道™考试的方式, 转移学分, 或者参军可能会影响你的总学费和毕业日期


If you’ve been considering a computer science or engineering degree but are on the fence because you’re afraid of the impact that going back to school could have on your life, 你并不孤单. That’s why we offer so many online options—because we underst和 that busy people need to structure classes around their busy lives instead of restructuring their busy lives around their classes. 在CTU, 远程参与讲座, 在你自己的时间, doesn’t mean that you must sacrifice having a supportive network of faculty 和 fellow students. 我们屡获殊荣的专有在线工具9 能帮助你与你的课堂作业和同学保持联系吗, 和 our faculty 和 staff are able to provide you with assistance when requested. 如果你准备好了 重新开始你的学术之旅,迈出下一步,成为CTU社区的一员.

1 美国劳工统计局.S. 劳工部, 职业展望手册, “计算机和信息技术职业,“http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov /哦/ computer-和-information-technology /回家.HTM(最后访问2/11/2020). This data represents national figures 和 is not based on school-specific information. 你所在地区的情况可能会有所不同.
2 转移学分是根据个人情况评估的. 并非所有学分都可以转换. 转学分政策见大学目录.
3 易达利路径® 并非适用于所有课程.
4 The ability to reduce time in school 和/or reduce tuition towards the full cost of a degree program depends on the number of CTU Fast Track 顺利通过考试. 快速通道课程学分不可转让. Not all programs are eligible for possible 30% reduction in time 和 money. 符合条件的课程可能会有所变化. 学生 should not rely on potential Fast Track savings or eligibility when making an enrollment decision.
5 需要一个面对面的专题讨论会组成部分
6 美国劳工统计局.S. 劳工部, 职业展望手册, “Computer Hardware Engineers,“http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov /哦/建筑工程/ computer-hardware-engineers.HTM(最后访问2/11/2020).
7 美国劳工统计局.S. 劳工部, 职业展望手册, “电气和电子工程师,“http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/architecture-和-engineering/electrical-和-electronics-engineers.HTM(最后访问2/11/2020).
8 符合条件的学生可以获得经济援助. University grants or scholarships are based on established criteria as published in the University's catalog 和 are awarded after verification that the conditions of eligibility have been met.
9 http://ofgh.altemobiles.com/about/awards

CTU不能保证就业、工资或职业发展. 并不是所有的项目都适用于所有州的居民.
REQ1504246 2/2020